Skyrim purple textures no mods
Skyrim purple textures no mods

It can be when I load into another area, decide to look at my inventory/smith items, it just happening slowly over time, etc. This problem doesn't happen immediately when the game starts, it is completely random. Once the whole purple textures/failing textures thing starts to happen, if I continue playing, the game WILL eventually CTD (crash to desktop for those of you that don't know what that means). I have tried nearly EVERYTHING: reorganizing my mod load order, lowering the games graphics settings down to high, boosting the games memory block usage to 512MB from the standard 256MB (which helps with CTD's), not using the official high res texture packs, changing Skyrim's ini files to work well with my mods, the ENB Booster mod, a mod that cleans saves, uninstalling Skyrim (3 - 4 TIMES at this point), and the list goes on. I've looked for hours at this point and am getting ridiculously irritated to the point where I don't even want to play the game even though I love it so much. Does anyone seriously not know how to fix this by now? I've heard of this being an issue for nearly 2ish years now (probably longer).

Skyrim purple textures no mods